Monday, August 30, 2010

The Story Behind the Poem - Story of a Heart and Soul


Tale of a Heart and Soul

This is a strange story (or stories)

to say the least

where I was very angry old man again

Garmisch, Germany, back in '73 -.

We walked together in the surrounding hills

and so, discovered two boys -

with silver-white hair, maybe three or four

Years, playing with a wolf

He was calm, happy, very happy ....

"Awe," said the old man with fear and defiance,

OnlyWhat have we here? "

Spooked that he was in awe

angry at God knows what!

He told me, irritating: "If I do

Animal Wolf, I would be very wild, free and happy!

I wish I wish I could! "

And I think sometimes when we

wish hard enough, God gives us only

that what we want, but should not ...

perhaps a lesson to be learned

if the customer is to be hoped by others.

And then, suddenly, theThe old

was calm, peaceful, happy, sing a song

I want to play with the boys, he warned,

as if he really knew her ...!

(Something was wrong);

then the big bad wolf, he attacked -

me, perhaps (I thought at the time)

It was the old wolf skin

and inside the wolf man

and the wolf had killed him,

I shot the wolf ...!

# 1784 04.08.2007 (D) Sometimes things happenfor reasons beyond our understanding, and I just do not know why, so we guess its internal structure, made its reasoning, logical reasons for his if to say, the simplest of all, what you really think and feel, and is usually right. Since in this case, maybe the man got his wish and envy, got his revenge, one of the seven deadly sins.


Here, for the first time in print the story behind the poem "Tale of a Heart and Soul" is, as mentioned, the Poet Laureate,and author, Dennis L. Siluk.

November, 1970.

A village of Garmisch, Federal Republic of Germany in a small valley surrounded by mountains. A focus on the many jumps, hills and meadows of the valley, the valley with a population of at least five thousand, the provision of churches, few hotels and pensions. No movies. can be found The only way for the traveler on his way to the valley in winter, is by car, the train goes through October.

The hotel issmall and clean, the rooms are not heated well, not much more we can say that even if you have a bar at the back of it, and the architecture is an old German Bavarian look. A man called Ski (in short: he was Polish) once a Staff Sergeant in the U.S. Army, retired and widowed and now lives in Augsburg, Germany for the last seven years. He is five feet nine inches tall. He is in great condition and looks younger than he. It has a nice square chin,his face with blue eyes and a mouth without a smile when he is angry, irritated or just click just mad that forms rapidly in darkness, and the seeds for hours.
Rarely, will smile, but sometimes a smile is Cleaver. The secret of his youthful appearance, not his physical prowess, not his wit nor his words sharp, sometimes strange, if not mysterious, they can be, but wrinkle mannerisms of his lack of tolerance (of his face, his Face of boy), he shaved, and hisHair is always maintained, quick and perfect cu. The color of her skin is milky white and smooth, he constantly groom.

They had met each other on the compound Reese (a U.S. military base) on his small PX (store for military personnel) through a mutual friend at the piano, Bruce Kleiner, a boy in southern North Carolina. He thought that might be interested in Garmisch, Germany would cooperate, maybe skiing or simply for a holiday weekend, because we both like to travelaway, have a few drinks and pensions. I met him, was an angry man, skiing, and had a reputation as a thief, but I was very interested, does not have so much in the way of Germany, as I could, and have a good opportunity I thought and some companies who knows the area with me. Garmisch and I had in mind. He was often disrespectful to someone advised him or anyone around him liked, and when I noticed, had few friends. Hesuggested going to Garmisch in November - which was in August. He said it was premature, but I would think. During this period there was an ongoing investigation on him and a big PX robbery military officials were in Augusta, watched carefully, and I expect that the clothes he wore for the robbery in question, made $ $ 3,000 towels stolen. Anyway, I promised to keep updated and informed on the subject.

And so it happened that I foundI was a cold November afternoon cross this hill covered with light air patches of frost and snow, a cold winter in the valley of Garmisch between us and a friendly farm on the side of us. For most, this' s Weekend in nothings winter I learned to ski.

Ski-stone was still on the floor, a bottle [Jack Daniel's whiskey] in a side pocket to hold his intestines warm. We had a fence in front of us, something absent if returnedhis body as if from time to time, as if he were playing chess. There were figures standing in the distance between the farm and we were behind the fence. Both ski and I stepped out of the dirt road, closer to the fence to look better.

DS: The great thing in its place, we are almost alone here.

Skiing: There is no snow, wait a few weeks, here is the entire ski Germany or a refuge for the weekend.

DS: I never downhill skisbefore.

Skiing: Want to start learning?

DS: you are to me a lesson?

Skiing: perhaps we see who these numbers are like that.

(What I found, these figures were made by two boys of about four years, white, silver hair, dizygotic twins, and a big wolf, had Bell playing with each other, with a large cow that had followed, and stood nearby. They must be less than twenty meters from the fence, made ofus. They waved to us, and randomly play back. I think I took an honest snapshot in my mind that it is strange for such a scene. It seemed that children were aware of the danger that lay before them, or was aware that we were not aware of any danger.)

A small trigger for skiing, I think that is what you call this, or this is the beginning.

DS: cute boys! (The cow is in motion.)

Skiing: Cutenothing ... a wolf is never gentle with two boys, can not tame, and is not a domesticated wolf.

DS: There seems to be the victims. It looks tame (I wanted to do was say, "Look ... more dangerous than the wolf," but I do not.)

Skiing: A Nasty Wolf (to be precise, he says, is that a domesticated wolf, not willing to keep a wild wolf). I think it would have been happy before his master, met the look patheticDing, rolling like a cat, he is nothing but a coward. When I was ...! (The moves have had because I felt the big cow bell around her neck.)

If I wolf the little boys was torn, and someone looking for small coffins.

DS: It 's rather a view on things?

Ski: I wish I could be teeth Wolf 's Place ... seem just, and muscle, and loose, I'd give my heart and soul to take his place, wild and free,how old cow with a bell, here's how I feel right now. But no pets.

(Around the fence, and in light green and brown patches of grass and snow, the ground was hardening, the present winter, a light wind touched the cheeks of the two men was the sound of a low growl of a sharp hiss. I saw the Wolf look deeply, see more kids playing busy, dark eyes of the wolf in the snow shines warm winter afternoon quiet, harmless as it seemed. Ilistening to the sounds of nature, winter, and birds in the vicinity of large cow - and its buzzing sound heavy, deep resonant frequency of the clock tower, the breath of the wolf - his intensity and mean s 'Ski mumbling tone.)

Skiing: The wolf is free, no problem, wild and allowed, because it is expected it is his nature, I wish I could make a connection type! I wish wish wish!

All ground (it is not large) all know, at leastof view. There was no reason why I thought at the time because he was so perhaps some kind of joke, but he put his heart and soul in question, now that I think. But then again, there is no reason I thought at the time because it would be a desire - even if he is an angry man.

(Ski was smart and calculating, and chose his words to hurt or be witty cripple its victims. I was left alone, maybe I was his equal in battle, and one of its ownFriends - otherwise I lose, too, and I have none. He loved to fight to create chaos. It seems that he inherited a bad mood, if we had been together in Monaco in January for the festival in October, and on the train, started a fight with one of the officials, and in the bathroom of a beer tent at the festival, started a fight and the effort seemed to be part of his shadow. One thing I tried to avoid, and often tried to calm, if not defeat, so quiet. He spoke in an armynegative way. And I have a headache. In any case, was skiing with views of the wolf and two children. He regretted what he had in life. Sun motivation to lose the human race.)

I came to learn a lot from him in recent months. Smart, hard, hateful, thief, and now I was to know Garmisch. He had in the past when it comes to me to only talk about problems. I thought he was drunk, but not half as much as I drink. He also wantedI had the bandages that he had stolen from the PX. The 'say no' for his seemingly friendly gesture, and was taken a touch, I really hurt her feelings. But here we were both standing behind a fence watching a stupid cow, and its bells, and two children playing with a wolf and cross-country in a sort of trance.

DS: Uh-huh. Let us lift and higher one, so we stop for the Valley?

Cross: I mean, my soul and heart haveConnecting with the nature of the Tier I Wolf, who was a secret to keep. I never said before Wolf, for all - I should never have been born in, said Bruce, my best friend.

DS: What do you think?

Cross: God I was wrong. I believe that murder is in the sky, the dull eyes of the wolf are not wild.
What I saw was not what he apparently saw the two boys sitting on the floor playing in peace. This was a vehicle of his, his invention, if this root cause. Must be a joke or a fool, I told myself. I had to beat my face to wake up to face this charade. Why? I told him: "I do not think so, no, I know you'm wrong." He was to tell me.

- At a time when it was quiet. As if you connect with the animal (as if someone had kicked in, and opened a door and jumped through it ...). I told you not to talk so silly, surprising and smiled saying, "Do not worry."

> Skiing: Bach, you'll love the river, enjoying the fresh cool clean water. (He said in a low, smooth voice and almost humble.)

DS: Of course I never thought that in a stream, but that sounds reassuring. In fact, you never said that before. (Did not, I would learn later, for he had never known in a neighborhood, just know the long-time resident of the desert or an animal) would

It 'was likeWhen the wolf almost hear ... skiing!

DS: It is strange the wolf begins to whistle loudly, starting to rise, our children killed in skiing and you? I mean, all his calm, serenity, self-control is changing before us.

Skiing: Yes, you're right (he muttered, then "... sometimes, if you ask Oh, not really understand what you want.")

DS: (Strange, I thought then, what ski said, now is part of the wolf calmly subjective), I think something will happen, we try to better protect children?

(The image, four of them, the cow in the background, its bell ringing, and keep all attention on growing alarm: The wolf dark red and shiny black eyes now. Ski with a dove like eyes and dark meat , quiet me, I'd never seen that. It seemed a fine line between the animal and its > Ski, a line that I hoped no further - a sort of unknown intensity, grew on one thing I knew was not going to happen. Something has been canceled. The eyes of the wolf looking like beacons. I wish I had a guillotine - so I thought ((cut the head of this intensity)), but I have my 38 special (revolver), hidden in his pants and shirt, attached to my belt on the left side, for emergencies. The animal was not lying, it was on all fours. E> Cross was only their cheerful, except for the blinking of the eyes, face, his calm, his heart rate seems to have taken a comma, not violence at all about her, almost innocent pallor circled, only the eyes , soft eyes. Ski bent the fence watch as the wolf over, and the wolf on it.)

At first I saw only a jump shadow climbed the fence. Then a whistle and two forms on the floor somewhere around three meters from me. He,Ski Wolf killed, ran back to two boys, I'm cursed for not reacting more quickly. My eyes have seen the attack, and then saw him flee. But when I drop my head, I pulled my 38-gun from the holster, from the left side of me, on my belt, leather unsnapping his head safety bar (all taken so long it seemed) and shot the animal access to twenty yards. Indeed, the ball hit his head and was a foot away from the boys,that were just sitting when they were hardly surprised, puzzled or what.

I've never understood what was happening, happening, only that it is, but why all this, because it is in the first place, it was never clear, I said, is absurd, but in reality there is nothing wrong with it. My friend just had a nice clean way to his heart and soul behead eyes (his mind and will was strong in his research), a bodyMeat, a new possibility, a wolf. I repeat that the argument that I will never know, is like asking I suppose, because the devil wants to be like God I doubt that the devil you know everything.

I suspect someone say somewhere, sometimes, somewhere, will come and it is a mathematical or astrological element of this, or something psychological, or even demonic involved here - because you can not. I'm always confused by such talk. I know all I can say istalking almost invisible, so large, there is no room for natural light. Maybe sometimes God gives the fool his desire.

The bite of the beast, taken directly from the ski under the chin, took a piece from his throat as easily as cutting through butter. It was not wrong. He loved and enjoyed what he did for a long time, not for protection or food to kill him, perhaps out of envy or revenge, lived. These are not yes and no questions, I doubt that is not complete orthe perfect solution, guess only speculate here, those minutes seemed like hours before and during the attack, if not cross to me, even combed his hair and cleaned up this or that, or brush and wiped his shoes, trousers against his legs as would normally. He remained silent, not a sad silence, but an inexplicable fact, that I met him. Only 12:00 (PM), the two boys ran to the Itsy Bitsy little house, then, the cow in the back,Ringing their alarm bells. It was a way he killed, and I killed him too! The only thing that catches me that I was involved.

In short, I did not know the meaning of his will, although I pray that wolf. Chewing his lips and frowned at the wolf, I have not taken seriously at first, which would, I thought it was only his mischievous old self, but instead of at the time, strange as it may be, but I think he liked the time - wasEcstasy, and I was his witness, and this is his story. He could kill me, even after the first attack, but did not know I knew then, and now I know that was his cup of poison, his farewell letter, quick and powerful, nearly odorless.

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